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The 7 Apocryphal Books of the Bible… Catholic? 🤷‍♂️

Gabriel Filgueiras 0

Much is questioned about the 7 additional apocryphal books of the "Catholic Bible", among others that exist in addition to these. After all, are they reliable or not? Are there heresies in them? Is the “Evangelical Bible”, with its 66 books, the correct one? Would those books, also called deuterocanonical, have any importance or historical and theological value or should they be completely rejected? What really is the truth about them?

Study Romans 12:2: How to be renewed and transformed?

Gabriel Filgueiras 1

"In other words, do not let yourselves be conformed to the standards of the ‘olam hazeh (this world or this age). Instead, keep letting yourselves be transformed by the renewing of your minds; so that you will know what God wants and will agree that what he wants is good, satisfying and able to succeed." (Romans 12:2 Complete Jewish Bible). In this Bible study we will see some tips on how to put the guidelines in this verse into practice

“Tell me who you hang out with, and I’ll tell you who you are”, in the Bible? 🤔

Gabriel Filgueiras 0

Where is it written in the Bible "tell me who you hang out with and I'll tell you who you are"? Is this sentence really a Bible verse? In this study, we will see 4 passages from the Holy Bible that bring us interesting life lessons similar in some way to this popular saying.

10 Verses About Our True Identity in Christ

Gabriel Filgueiras 1

“It is enough for the disciple that he be as his teacher, and the servant as his lord,” is what the Master of masters said in Matt. 10:25. Much is said these days on the subject of “our true identity in Christ”, that is, in the Savior, the Son of God. And indeed, there is much to be said about it. In this brief Bible study we gather some verses and propose to show and explain some things about this so-called “identity in Jesus”. Some of them are not so said or experienced out there, but we'll see if it wouldn't be interesting to recover them.